Tulsa criminal defense lawyer

Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm

Is A Criminal Defense Attorney Necessary In Oklahoma?

criminal defense attorneyIt is not necessary to hire a criminal defense attorney to represent you in criminal proceedings in Oklahoma. However, there are several good reasons why it would be in your best interest to employ an experienced criminal defense attorney in your defense. Here are a few of the most important reasons why you should hire a criminal defense attorney to handle your case.

Knowledge of the Law

It takes years of learning and practice to eventually become a criminal defense attorney and to become versed in criminal procedure. So, while you are entitled to represent yourself in a court of law, it is unrealistic to believe that you can master court procedure and rules of evidence, among other things, in the limited amount of time you have to prepare your defense.

Nevertheless, when you represent yourself, your knowledge and understanding of the law is expected to be equivalent to that of a trained criminal defense attorney. You will be held accountable for the consequences of any legal errors you make in defending yourself, and there will be no do-overs allowed.


An additional advantage of working with an attorney is that you can draw upon his years of experience to recognize which concerns need to be attended to and which you ought to neglect.

Every move you make in your criminal defense can have significant consequences, some difficult for even an experienced criminal defense attorney to anticipate.  Even so, a criminal defense attorney will have a much better chance of knowing what to expect than a layperson.

For instance, if you believe that your constitutional rights were in some way violated when you were arrested or questioned, an experienced lawyer will be able to discern whether or not you really have a cause of action and if it will be worth your while to pursue.


An essential characteristic you should possess when defending against criminal charges is objectivity. You should be able to see the big picture and objectively select which potential courses of actions to undertake and which to eliminate, on the basis of what’s in your overall best overall interest.  This outlook is understandably difficult to maintain when you are the person facing conviction and perhaps even being sentenced to jail. Thus, a trusted criminal defense attorney would be an essential asset when it comes to maintaining an objective perspective while pursuing your defense.


Finally, how you present your case in court can have a huge impact on how it is received by the judge or jury. It is often better to have someone speak for you than to speak for yourself. When you need to convince the court that you are a person of sound character and good moral standing, it will simply be more believable coming from a third party than from you. Having a criminal defense attorney to advocate on your behalf can be much more effective in convincing the court of your innocence.


While you have the right to defend yourself against criminal charges, it is unadvisable. An experienced criminal defense attorney has the knowledge, experience and objectivity to advocate on your behalf and achieve for you the best possible results. So, even if you cannot afford a private attorney, you should request that a public defender be appointed to you by the court.

Free Consultation: Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney

When you’ve been arrested in the Tulsa area, it’s time to retain a Tulsa criminal attorney who will look out for your legal interests. Contact your defense team at Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation.

A Tulsa criminal attorney can advise you how the criminal justice process works and offer answers to your specific questions. To begin your free consultation call now: (918) 256-3400.