Tulsa criminal defense lawyer

Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm

What Are My Rights If I Have Been Accused Of A Crime In Tulsa, Oklahoma?

accused of a crimeWhen you have been accused of a crime by the police, it is typically because they have obtained evidence implicating you as the perpetrator. However, the police are just as likely to be mistaken as anyone else; and the United States Constitution provides every citizen accused of a crime with several constitutional right aimed at protecting your innocence before actually being found guilty. The following information is a list of the most important constitutional rights that you should be aware of if you are accused of a crime in Oklahoma.

You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Even if you have been arrested for the crime of which you have been accused, in the eyes of the law you are still innocent until the state can prove that you are not. This requires them to prove before a judge or jury that you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a high burden of proof.

You Have the Right to Remain Silent

The U.S. Constitution gives you the right to remain silent so as not to incriminate yourself. You should remain silent and refrain from offering any information to the police, unless you are being advised by an attorney.

You Have the Right to Know of What Crime You are Being Accused

Pursuant to the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, anyone arrested for a crime has the right to know of what crime they have been accused.

You Have the Right to be Released on Bail Until Trial

The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution entitles you to be released from jail until trial, unless there is reason to believe that you might not return to court. In addition, the bail required for your release must be set at a reasonable amount and must not be “excessive.”

You Have the Right to a Speedy and Public Trial

You have the right to be tried in a reasonable amount of time after you have been formally charged with a crime. This means that your trial should be free from unreasonable delays that may jeopardize your defense. In addition, to insure the transparency of our criminal justice system, with the exception of certain juvenile procedures, you have the right to a public trial.

You Have the Right to Representation by an Attorney

You have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, the court is required to provide one for you. This is one of your most important constitutional rights. When you are accused of a crime, you should always consult with a criminal defense attorney before making any decisions or answering any questions.

Free Consultation: Tulsa Criminal Attorney

When you’ve been accused of a crime in the Tulsa area, it’s time to retain a Tulsa criminal attorney who will look out for your legal interests. Contact your defense team at Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation.

If you have been accused of a crime in Oklahoma, exercise your right to have an attorney immediately. Contact the criminal defense attorneys at (918) 256-3400.