Tulsa criminal defense lawyer

Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm

Fighting a Tulsa Hit and Run Charge

Tulsa hit and runGetting into a car accident can be a terrifying ordeal for most of us. However, anyone who fails to stop their vehicle after an accident can be found guilty of hit and run in the state of Oklahoma. Because a conviction of hit and run can have serious consequences, consulting a Tulsa hit and run attorney immediately can make sure you receive a fair day in court.

Punishing Hit and Run

The penalty for failing to stop after an accident where no death resulted can range from 10 days to two years and between $50 and $1,000 in fines. However, if someone was killed in an accident, failure to stop can lead between one and ten years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

Free Consultation: Tulsa Hit and Run Lawyer


A charge of hit and run can change your life for the worse. If you or anyone you know is faced with this charge, please contact a Tulsa hit and run attorney to discuss your available legal options. Consult with an experienced attorney at the Tulsa Criminal Defense Law Firm, call today at (918) 256-3400, or call toll-free at 1-(888) 447-7262. If you prefer, you can use the box in the upper right-hand corner of this page to send a question or brief message.